The Louisville Review

Essay in The Louisville Review

The Louisville Review Vol 75 Cover Image
The Louisville Review Vol 75 Cover Image

My essay, "Notes on Machinery," appears in the latest issue of The Louisville Review (Vol 75). The essay examines the creative impulse, noting the role that rhythm and mechanism play in the creative process. I am pleased to see my work alongside that of Molly Peacock and Katerina Stoykova-Klemer, two women whom I admire immensely for their creative work and their passion for teaching and the written word. In addition, "Notes on Machinery" is the first essay completed, start to finish, since I returned to writing after the birth of my second daughter.

This issue of The Louisville Review features the work of many Kentucky writers, most prominently Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker. Volume 75 is available online. You can also purchase a print copy on the The Louisville Review site.